Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Icefields Parkway in May

The long Victoria weekend in May used to be the time I would make a quick trip to the mountains to see Banff, and if the weather was clear and sunny, to take a drive up slightly past the Athabasca Glacier. The amount of snow is variable from year to year, and it is wise to keep snow tires on the vehicle. I used to take chains with my truck for just in case.

The reason for this post today after the long weekend has passed? In Toronto the temperature sits at 30C (87F) with a humidex of 35C (96F). Unusual weather for the season, as it should be much cooler. Looking at glaciers and snow provides a mental chill if nothing else. It has a beauty of its own complete with potential danger of avalanches should some unwary driver honk their vehicle horn.

This photo is taken from a vehicle on the Icefields Parkway heading south toward Bow Lake.

For those sweltering: enjoy.

Phoyo Credit: karenwithak CC=nc-nd-flickr, taken May 22, 2009. Click to enlarge.


Teresa said...

Thanks for sharing the lovely picture, Barbara. I think you got our summer weather. We have been unseasonably cold, although the forecast is for a warm weekend.

Leah J. Utas said...

I love the snow on the mountains.

Charles Gramlich said...

The weather has definitely been strange in a lot of places. WE got hail here the other day, which is pretty rare this late.

Merisi said...

Weather patterns seem to be anything but normal in many places around the world. We have had days here lately that were warm and humid, with rain falling several times a day. Suddenly subtropics here. ;-)