[1-click to enlarge]
Cranberry Portage is located 48km south of
Flin Flon, and 695 km north-west of
Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is situated along the southern shores of Lake Athapapuskow, surrounded by lakes, rivers and streams in the western portion of the
Grass River Provincial Park .

[2] Prior to 1928, it was little more than a portage route used by fur traders and First Nations people, known for its abundant beautiful lakes with excellent fishing and scenic landscapes. Cranberry Portage was an important trade route of the Cree and Assiniboin peoples during the fur trade, its location used as a campsite and portage between Grassy River at the head of a number of well-used routes from Hudson Bay and Lake Athapapauskow, which connects to the Saskatchewan River system leading through the prairies to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.
The area is known for trophy fishing of northern pike, walleye, lake trout, rainbow and brook trout, white fish and tubilee.

[3-click to enlarge]
http://www.norman-rha.mb.ca/CranberryPortage.htmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cranberry_Portage,_ManitobaPhoto Credits: [1][2][3]-brianwestcott CC=nc-nd-flickr.
Very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Crisp post with beautiful image choices as always.
I always enjoy your photos and the lakes and mountains are my favorites.
How did it get the name Cranberry Portage? Are there cranberries?
When I saw your post come up in my reading window I thought 'Cranberry Portage!' Must be some sort of delicious fruit pudding with port in! And then Flin Flon - that must be a creme caramel type dish. (I wonder if I think about food too much?)
Then my inner soul was fed by looking at the beautiful lake photographs. I love the little islands on the last photo. The picture has the effect of making you feel you are in a boat and heading for the islands to explore and have adventures!
Lana, this is northern country where summer has long days and winter, short ones.
Thomas, thank you, and another area of Canada to visit.
Shelley, the name perhaps comes from the Saskatoon berry bushes that grow abundantly in the woodlands north of the prairies. Saskatoon berries are similar to blueberries with a purple-reddish colour.
Raph, this area and others across the Boreal forest are the last frontiers of Canada, apart from the arctic.
My posts do not often contain any food elements. If you want to try some superb recipes that work visit joyofbaking.com.
Soemthing about small, tree covered islands really ignites my imagination.
Strange though it may sound, I like the names of recipes far more than reading them or cooking them!
I've just read Charles Gramlich's comment and really identify with that.
Charles, there could be anything on those islands waiting to be discovered.
Raph, once in awhile there are islands for sale in Georgian Bay. Last year there was a small island near Parry Sound for sale that had a cabin on it, a handful of evergreen trees and a dock.
That looked like a place I could enjoy.
Definitely a nice place to throw a line in the water.
RuneE, it is quite a distance from population of any significant size.
Bernard, it had that effect on me too.
I'm going on a fishing excursion next month.
Travis, no doubt prompted by looking at these photos.
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