With the days becoming sun filled and warmer I think about the summer days of going on hikes over the surrounding trails. On any walk I prefer locations which have water: a lake, a stream, creek or river, preferably a waterfall. The sound of rushing water is soothing to urban tortured souls.
Baron Canyon is in Algonquin Provincial Park which I have posted about before here.
Photo Credit: eyeline-imagery CC=nc-nd-flickr.
I have some falls in upstate NY that look identical. Very peaceful place to write.
I love the waterfall, Barbara, and I agree that the sound of water is healing to any tortured soul (urban or rural).
How is your tap water doing?
Baron Canyon is a lovely name! I like to walk by water too, the varied sounds it makes are both soothing and enlivening. Ah Spring!
(BTW I'm trying the beer in my mash this weekend!)
David, I find places like that tend to make me sleepy if I sit too long and ponder.
Teresa, ah kindred souls in water therapy.
Tap water situation remains where it was. City of Toronto water test results will not be ready for another two weeks or so; my apartment complex landlord has done nothing with the workorder; and, I continue to use distilled water for just about everything. Getting the private water tests done on my water samples has to wait until I have more money on hand (these are very expensive to do with a forensic lab). It is a case of patience during waiting.
Raph, I can see you now...sitting on your sunny doorstep sipping at a cold glass of Heineken reading the newly arrived book.
You're not kidding - the sound of rushing water is one of the most enticing sounds ever.
While you pondered weak and weary? (Sorry had to quote Poe while I could)
You live in such a lovely world.
Bernard, enticing and thirst quenching.
David, no apology necessary.
Patti, beauty is where you find it.
Today I walked along Lake Ontario watching the cold water lap against the rocks, and wished I had a camera to share the experience. The best days are when its windy and the waves rise up two to three feet to crest and pound the rocky shoreline; sounding just like being at the seashore.
How pretty! We're having blizzard and thunderstorms here today in Oklahoma. I'm staying inside and dreaming of that canyon. I want spring! D
I don't even feel that tortured, and I appreciate the lovely picture!
Here's hoping your personal water supply falls fresh and pure from the spigots soon.
Nice shot......
As usual, I have a few of your posts to catch up on Barbara. I have enjoyed them all, and love wildflowers (who doesn't!), but I do particularly, because flowers are my most favourite things in the world. Always great to see waterfalls - scarce as hen's teeth here in South Australia!
thank you, Barbara, for this lovely interlude. Aloha-
Very lovely. Down here in the rockless swamps & marshes there's not a waterfall within a hundred miles, unfortunately. Makes me miss Niagara all the more, I must admit...
I must admit Barbara for me too this is very soothing to hear waterfalls nice post :)
I can understand that very well. To me it is the sea. If I can't see it, I must at least know that it is near at hand. I loved the waterfall - taking pictures of such things is one item I have to work on.
PS Thank you for the nice comments!
exquisite site :)
Donnetta, mid-April is spring time for me here, a time when the first leaf buds appear and some flowers poke their first leaves through the soil.
Clare, I'm hoping by posting a positive photo of fresh water that cleaner water will come forth from my apartment taps.
Susan, welcome.
Pam, it's interesting to see that some wildflowers belong to plants gardeners consider weeds.
Cloudia, you're quite welcome.
Lana, perhaps you might be able to make a little waterfall and pool in your back garden.
Philip, RuneE, and Tony: rushing water or a sense of nearby water fills an inner need of most people that brings comfort.
Boy do I need to go fishing.
Travis, then you can blame that desire on me.
Kia ora Barbara,
"The sound of rushing water is soothing to tortured urban souls".
How true and apt. Most of the Ruahine mountain huts I visit are located on the rivers - mainly as they offer the only possible places to build themin such steep terrain. The feelings of peace and harmony I feel amongst such a symphony of water certainly do sooth my soul. And also offer the best sleeps I ever have. Kia ora.
I love taking walks in areas such as these, so soothing and relaxing.
That is one of the main reasons for moving to this area... now if only I can get Winter out of the way so I can actually get out there and start some walks!
Robb, nature offers so much to people for their renewal of energy.
Michele, spring will be there soon. Enjoy the days of melting, bit by bit; trickles that turn into little streams as the days grow warmer.
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