When a writer begins to craft a story, often it is useful to use a photo to study or ponder: what if...
Most of my ideas come from history and locations based on those found here, though currently I have been considering work still on a fantasy level with other elements of a supernatural nature.
For characteristics I sometimes use those found in astrological charts to form a complicated set of behavioural patterns. There are several websites where one can obtain a relatively thorough chart complete with quirks. It all depends on the degree of where the planets are placed and in conjunction with other planets. The variations are there for consideration. All signs have their bright or shadow side, often in various combinations.
Photo Credit: Two Galaxies by Wikimedia Commons.
sometimes use photos of real places as jumping off points for envisioning the settings of my tales, but many take place in such exotic landscapes that I have to twist the settings a lot
Excellent way to do it, Barbara.
Heavenly inspiration!
Heavenly inspiration!
You have found yourself a beautiful galaxy, but the there are (at least) some billions of them. Personally I would stick with them an forget about astrology. I find that humanity itself creates more than enough material for fiction, but then astrology is fiction too so why not?
Charles, twisting parts of stories is creative license with a writer.
Leah, thank you.
David, sometimes I consider that everything one does with intention is divinely inspired.
RuneE, the photos that are taken of the celestial regions tend to give me the most inspiration.
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