This photo is of the Consolation Lakes in Banff National Park, Alberta.
As 2010 comes to a close, I sit looking toward another year wondering what it will bring. As with most matters it is best to look forward with a clear mind and fortitude for whatever comes forth.
Being an avid astrology buff, the New Year brings with it planetary changes that will benefit all the signs. This is the forerunner to 2012 when the Age of Pisces gives way to the Age of Aquarius in the latter part of December.
2011 will hallmark the path toward a new age brimming with new ideas and a new consciousness, not only for our planet, Earth, but the entire cosmos. It is a time of change from 'self' to a heart-centred consciousness where love is the answer for all things. A caring for others, be they people, flora and fauna, or even intergalatic travellers.
For those who recall 1969 and the music by the Fifth Dimension: The Age of Aquarious
For a peek into your yearly astrological sign Astrologycom.com provides an overview for 2011. An alternative site is Planetary Rhythms.
Photo Credit: whipstar CC=nc-nd-flickr.
Happy New Year Barbara. What interesting planetary changes are ahead for us - I feel it is certainly time!
I must that I'm not too fond of astrology, but I admit my share of curiosity when it comes to what is going to happen in 2011. Only, I'm afraid that it is left to ourselves to make the best of the future and clear up the mess we have made of this world.
However, always an optimist :-) , so A Happy New Year to you and your dear ones!
Glad to hear '11 is a going to be a good one.
Happy New Year, Barbara!
Happy New Year, Barbara!!
Thanks for the astrology info.
Happy New Year, Barbara.
Pam, no matter how life progresses there is always hope for a better future.
RuneE, astrology is best viewed in an overall picture rather than specifics. It's true that people need to go out and try to make an improvement on our daily lives which then reflects to our family, friends and neighbourhood. This in turn reaches out to communities, etc. The small things count: such as word, thought, deed. A kind thought goes a long way to improving our world and beyond. Its vibration carries far afield.
David, optimism carries one ahead, which is what I usually derive from reading the annual astrology forecast rather than the monthly ones. Visit Astrologycom.com to see yours.
Teresa, thanks for stopping by. I'm certain your New Year will bring you many rewads.
Leah, sometimes I wonder whether other worlds' citizens have their own astrology. There must be a story in there somewhere.
Happy new Year Barbara. Thanks for the link too, I look forward to a better year for us all.
Thanks for visiting us with well-wishes, and may I share some with you! Have a wonderful 2011!
Happy New Year, Barbara!
I hope 2011 brings good things for you.
(I'm glad caring for intergalactic travellers is included! :)
Happy New Year, Barbara! Beautiful photo of the Consolation Lakes!
Happy New Year Barbara, stunning photos!!
Raph, there will be astonishment among all dwellers on this planet when intergalatic travellers do arrive openly in their starships. Let us hope that they do not interfere too much with our way of life as we know it. Progression to new intelligence is best taken in small amounts so as to assimilate it properly.
Reb, with each new year at its beginning the way is clear for new beginnings. Every century has momentous occurrences within the first decade. I suspect this will be no different for the 21st century.
Barrie, thank you. There will be a forthcoming post about a hike into the Consolation Lakes area. Its a grand place in the summer.
Lyzzydee, nice to see you back for a visit. Thank you for your good wishes.
Exciting.. we are going into the age of Aquarius, if I understood you right.. The song Aquarius is nice, it reminds me about the film "Hair"..
Have a nice year 2011! :)
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