Last week I ventured down to High Park where this photo is taken to get back to nature. Once you reach the edge of the park and venture into the magnificent stands of oak, pine and other trees whatever irritations were bothersome evaporated. Although most of the leaves are gone from the trees the enchantment remains.
I spent quite a bit of time with the large oaks, aware of their energy being compressed for the winter. The oaks provide a nurturing calm to life forms around them. Those engaged in energy work will be able to resonate with them as a group or on an individual basis. Its a beautiful experience to commune with their essence allowing full grounding.
High Park has 400 acres of native vegetation and a teahouse that serves a wonderful inexpensive breakfast before 11AM. Perhaps next trip I'll see how the buffao are doing as the park maintains a small zoo on the premises.
Photo Credit: Bobcatnorth CC=nc-sa flicker.